Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sri Aurobindo Ghose

This great person has made an impact both for himself as well as those who follow his preaching. Born in Kolkata in the year 15th August, 1872, Aurobindo spent his early life for a while in England and was given qualitative higher studies and got his graduation from the King’s College, Cambridge. The field in which he got specialized with was Classical Tripos. He also cleared the prestigious Civil Service Exam and returned to India in 1893. He worked for the Princely State of Baroda and was also a professor in Baroda College during this time for nearly 13 years. He fought for the independence of the country and then in 1910, moved to the French Pondicherry and led a spiritual life. He practiced Yoga and Modern Science. He founded and established Sri Aurobindo Ashram with the help of the Mother, who is his disciple and spiritual collaborator. He was a prolific writer. He wrote The Life Divine, and The Synthesis of Yoga and Savitri.

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